Christianity Questions and Answers
CQA 010 If I commit suicide, will I go to hell?

Dr. Mark Alan Williams and friends answer questions about the Christian faith: questions about the God, Jesus, the Bible, eternity, belief, religion the reasonableness of faith and others.

Direct download: 010_CQA_Commit_Suicide_go_to_Hell.mp3.mp3
Category:religion & spirituality > Christianity -- posted at: 12:33pm EDT

CQA 009 Why and when does the devil attack?

Dr. Mark Alan Williams and friends answer questions about the Christian faith: questions about the God, Jesus, the Bible, eternity, belief, religion the reasonableness of faith and others.

Direct download: 009_CQA_Closer_to_God_and_Devil_Attacks.mp3
Category:religion & spirituality > Christianity -- posted at: 12:27pm EDT